Team Workshop

Leading with Confidence
Overcoming Self-Doubt & Imposter Syndrome in Leadership

  Empowering women in sports and entertainment to reach their full potential as leaders.  

In my 20 years of working in the sports and entertainment industry, I have encountered a lot of women in leadership positions who struggle with self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or anxiety.  Myself Included. 

At times we feel like we don’t deserve the success we have achieved, or that we are not good enough to lead.  I personally had this feeling that someone what going to expose me as a fraud.  What made it worse is that I kept these feelings to myself and as a result, I didn’t know that there were other women who are going through the same thing that I was.  During that time I remember feeling isolated and alone.

One thing is for sure, I wouldn’t let it quiet my ambition.  I navigated how to overcome those mindset issues in order to lead with confidence. In order to have the career that I knew I was capable of having.

As I look around our male-dominated industry,  I want to help you make sure imposter syndrome, self-doubt or anxiety do not hold you back.  We need more women like you in leadership positions.   It’s why I created the Leading with Confidence workshop. 


Leading with Confidence is a workshop designed specifically for women in the sports and entertainment industry who want to be confident and effective leaders and not let self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and anxiety become roadblocks to their success.

 I will lead you and your group through this workshop and provide you with practical tools and techniques to help attendees learn to manage their inner critic and step into their power as a leader.

In this workshop, attendees will learn:

  • The common causes and effects of imposter syndrome and self-doubt, and how to recognize them in yourself and others
  • Strategies for overcoming self-doubt and imposter syndrome, including practical exercises and techniques you can use in your daily life
  • How to cultivate self-confidence and a positive mindset, even in the face of challenges or setbacks
  • How to create a personalized plan of action with specific steps you can take to overcome self-doubt and lead with confidence

Attendees will walk away with: 

  • Increased Awareness: A deeper understanding of how your imposter syndrome and self-doubt can negatively impact your leadership
  • Strategies to overcome challenges: Practical tools and techniques to help you manage self-doubt, imposter syndrome, or anxiety that may arise in your leadership roles
  • Improved confidence: You will finish the workshop feeling more confident and equipped to tackle challenges that may arise as a leader
  • A sense of community:  You will connect with other women in the sports and entertainment industry who share similar experiences and challenges.  You will be able to build a support network as you continue to navigate your leadership journey
  • A plan for action: You will walk away with a personalized plan of action with specific steps you can take to overcome self-doubt, and imposter syndrome and lead with confidence not only in your professional life but in your personal life as well 
Don’t let self-doubt and imposter syndrome hold you back from reaching your full potential as a leader.


Attending a Leading with Confidence Workshop is the first step towards becoming the confident and effective leader you were meant to be.

Let's talk so you can learn more about the program and see if it’s the right fit for your group!