Sport is more than just a game it’s a way of life. It’s in your DNA. You have big goals. Sometimes it’s hard to concentrate on anything else but how you’re going to make a name for yourself in the sports world. You’re in a competitive industry and you are constantly being thrown curve balls.  

You’re frustrated and you’re done doing things the “old way…”

  • You’re over co-workers who tell you “we’ve always done it this way” instead of embracing innovation and change
  • Your morale has taken a dive because you are overloaded with more
    work than your job description but it’s not reflected in your current title
    and compensation
  • You’re angry because co-workers don’t see you as their equal or a partner and, at worst, they undermine your authority
  • You’re feeling defeated because your boss doesn’t understand or
    value how much work it actually takes to do your job well
  • You feel stuck because your boss doesn’t think you’re ready for the next level but can’t articulate what you need to do to get there
  • You feel like you’re on a hamster wheel trying to get a job in the sports industry even though you are more than qualified.

You’ve turned to your friends and family for advice and while you appreciate it, they just don’t get the business you’ve chosenYou need advice from someone who has been exactly where you are right now.

I get it and after 18 years in the industry, I know exactly what you are up against.

I’ve worked for three Major League Baseball teams; Boston Red Sox, Los Angeles Dodgers, and Chicago Cubs. Let me let you in on a little secret about my career.  Being a black woman in sports wasn’t always a smooth ride.

I was always brought into organizations to make change.

And was invariably met with “but we’ve always done it this way” often uttered by the same type of people who seem to be in power everywhere you look in sports.

I had to create my own path for growth and was often told to wait my turn.

Helping hands and invisible opportunities (the ones you never knew existed) were offered to men, sometimes with less experience.

When I exhibited ambition, I was told to stay in my lane, or sit on the bench; I never witnessed a man being side-lined like this.

When I stayed quiet, I was accused of not showing initiative. When I was assertive, someone always made sure to try to “put me in my place.” 

I was determined to make a difference and not let those roadblocks stop me. And I know you’re determined, too. I had to learn how to advocate for myself, articulate my value, navigate internal politics, battle self-doubt, and lead large teams all while being my authentic self.

As a result I became an executive in sports and I know exactly what you need to do to get a seat at the table, stand out among your peers, and become a recognized industry leader.

If you are tired of waiting on the sidelines 
If you are done being overlooked for promotions
If you are beyond frustrated seeing other people move quickly through the ranks
If you are ready to pull ahead of the pack and take your career to the next level

…my customized coaching programs are for you.

They are designed to accelerate the achievement of your goals and expand what’s possible for you.

When we work together, I help you achieve your goals at an accelerated pace. Together we will:
  • Help you find your voice so you can navigate difficult discussions with ease and confidence
  • Help you advocate for yourself to get the new title and compensation you deserve
  • Help you easily influence others to align to your new ideas
  • Propel you into the career you’ve always dreamed of having
  • Establish you as a leader in your space
  • Get you seat at the table and feel prepared to contribute in a meaningful and valuable way
  • Effectively lead and manage a team that produces results

Consider me your secret weapon as I help you:

  • Navigate organizational politics
  • Advocate for yourself
  • Articulate your value
  • Manage self-doubt
  • Lead engaging presentations & meetings
  • Create a case for your promotion or raise
  • Job Transition (into or out of sports)
  • Effectively lead your team

And I can help you not only achieve your goals but knock them out of the park.

How I can help you take a step forward and level up your career:

Pick My Brain Session

Just as the name suggests, this is your opportunity to dig deep into the wealth of knowledge, insights, and strategic thinking that I’ve accumulated through years of experience in the sports industry and leadership development coaching.

In these focused, one-on-one sessions, we’ll tackle the challenges you’re facing, uncover the opportunities that await you, and set a clear path for your career growth. Together, we will work on strategies to help you get out of your own way, increase your confidence, decrease frustration and self-doubt, and answer your most pressing questions about your career. 

How we will work together: 

Focused Strategy Session (30 minutes): This isn’t just a conversation; it’s a targeted, strategic exploration of your professional journey. We’ll dive into your aspirations, identify barriers, and create actionable steps for immediate implementation. The goal is to leave you with a strategic path forward that aligns with your career goals.

One Week of Unlimited Email Support: Your career growth doesn’t stop when our session ends. Instead, you’ll have a full week of my expertise at your disposal. Whether it’s follow-up questions, additional advice, or sharing your progress, I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Document Review (one submission within a week post-session): A great strategy needs great tools. Whether it’s a presentation, proposal,  or resume. I’ll provide professional feedback on one key document to ensure it resonates with your career goals and stands out to decision-makers.

The Pick My Brain Coaching Sessions are designed to be an accessible, affordable resource for women ready to take their careers to the next level. It’s a concentrated dose of high-value advice and strategies that can be quickly implemented for immediate results, including boosting your confidence and reducing self-doubt.

Investment: $97 (flat-rate)
By providing this condensed yet highly valuable version of our more comprehensive programs, the Pick My Brain Coaching Sessions offer a unique opportunity for those who are eager to make career strides and need guidance to get there.

Are you ready to pick my brain and set your career growth in motion? Remember, one session can change the course of your career.

Let’s get started!

Career Breakthrough Intensive

I see you. You can’t stand where you are in your career. You feel defeated, emotionally drained, and stuck. You’re not making any progress and your frustration with your career is negatively impacting your personal life.

Career Breakthrough Intensives are designed to help you create your own path and make smart changes to your career growth so that you can elevate your career and put an end to feeling like your career has stalled.

Career Breakthrough Intensive Sessions Are Offered For Three Topics:

Career Growth Plan: Empower yourself with a comprehensive career growth plan tailored to your personal goals and strengths. This strategic roadmap will illuminate your path to success, providing clear steps to maximize your potential and elevate your professional life.

Asking For Promotion And Raise: Master the art of negotiation with a detailed strategy for securing a promotion or raise. Become equipped with the confidence and knowledge to effectively advocate for your worth and achieve your desired compensation.

Transitioning Into Sports: Seize new opportunities with a plan designed to highlight your transferable skills and position you as a top candidate in the sports industry. Discover how to leverage your unique abilities and experiences to break into this exciting field.

How We Will Work Together:

  • (1) 1:1 75-minute Strategic Session: Benefit from personalized attention during a focused, one-on-one strategic session. This dedicated time allows us to dive deep into your career aspirations, challenges, and opportunities for growth
  • Unlimited Voice Message Coaching (one month after the session): Stay connected and supported with unlimited voice message coaching. Whether you have questions, need feedback, or want to share a win, I’m just a message away to provide guidance and encouragement.

  • Unlimited Document Review (one month after the session): Rest assured knowing your professional documents like resumes, cover letters, or proposals are polished and effective with my expert review. I’ll provide constructive feedback to ensure they align with your career goals and stand out in the competitive job market.

Invest in your future and see tangible results as you accelerate your career growth. This program is more than a quick fix—it’s a launchpad to long-term success. With my support, you’ll not only meet your immediate career goals but also gain the skills and confidence to continue advancing in your professional journey.

Investment: $550 (flat-rate) Payment Plans Available

Career Breakthrough Membership

If you’re feeling defeated by stagnant career growth, unheard in meetings, stuck navigating office politics, or overworked with blurred work-life boundaries, I see you. More importantly, I can help.

The Career Breakthrough Membership Will Help You:

Confidence Building: This program will help you build the self-assurance needed to take on new challenges and step out of your comfort zone, essential for career advancement.

Strategic Career Planning: You’ll learn how to create a strategic plan that aligns with your professional goals and feels authentic to you. This includes identifying your strengths, areas for improvement, and opportunities for growth.

Mindset Shift: Changing your mindset can be a powerful tool in overcoming career obstacles. You’ll learn strategies to foster a more positive, proactive mindset that embraces change and views challenges as opportunities.

Overcoming Career Roadblocks: We’ll identify and address the roadblocks that are keeping you stuck, whether they’re internal (like self-doubt or fear of failure) or external (like office politics or lack of opportunities).

Fear of Rejection and Advocacy: Learn how to effectively advocate for yourself, your ideas, and your worth in the workplace. You’ll also develop strategies to handle rejection and use it as a learning experience, rather than a setback.

Raise and Promotion Strategy: Together, we’ll develop a strategy for approaching conversations about raises and promotions, helping you articulate your value and negotiate effectively. 

Conflict Resolution: You’ll gain skills in resolving conflicts professionally and tactfully, which is crucial for maintaining positive relationships in the workplace. This includes learning how to have difficult conversations without damaging your professional relationships.

How We Will Work Together:

  • (3) 1:1 50-minute Strategic Sessions: Benefit from personalized attention during a focused, one-on-one strategic session. This dedicated time allows us to dive deep into your career aspirations, challenges, and opportunities for growth.

  • Unlimited Voice Message Coaching (for two months after each session): Stay connected and supported with unlimited voice message coaching (Via Voxer). Whether you have questions, need feedback, or want to share a win, I’m just a message away to provide guidance and encouragement.

  • Unlimited Document Review (for two months after each session): Gain confidence with your presentations, agendas, decks, pitches, and any other documents with my expert review. I’ll give constructive feedback to make sure they are well-structured, persuasive, and aligned with your professional objectives. With me by your side, your materials will stand out and make a strong impact in any business setting.

Working together means having support to navigate the challenges and obstacles that could potentially slow down your career trajectory. Think of me as your secret weapon, empowering you to take the right steps that will accelerate your career advancement to the next level.

Investment: $1,925
$200 deposit to secure your spot
Payment options are available: $575/month (three-month payment option) $431/month (four-month payment option)